Gathering high-level feedback from investors and analysts to provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of your IR program.

Sometimes messages may be misunderstood or lost in translation. Perception studies can help confirm whether IR efforts are effective or if a different strategy is needed.

Oftentimes even carefully crafted and consistently delivered messages may be misunderstood or lost in translation when talking to Wall Street.  Through a thorough outreach process and in-depth conversations with your most important stakeholders, our Perception Studies will confirm whether your IR communications are effective or if a different strategy is needed.

With the firm's long history, we possess the experience to produce a perception study that will provide you with comprehensive, insightful feedback on the penetration and understanding of your investor messaging and overall perception on Wall Street.  By leveraging our strong relationships with both the buy- and sell-side, our team is always prepared to provide you with a clear assessment of the effectiveness of your IR communication. Our approach provides high-level feedback to fit the unique needs of each client, whether it is in preparation for quarterly earnings or an unplanned check-up on corporate positioning after a major announcement or event.

Our Perception Study Promise:

Our survey results are gathered through one-on-one conversations between senior IR practitioners and key Wall Street stakeholders.  We go beyond simple “yes” or “no” responses and provide answers to your most vital questions, oftentimes digging into the root of perceptions and valuation drivers. With our experienced IROs engaging with Wall Street, both parties are able to intelligently discuss Wall Street’s understanding of your company and how it fits with the industry and recent trends. And the results are actionable – the closing of our reports delivers a plan to approach investors to rectify possible communication issues your IR department may have.